

ever since yesterday--that minute I told you everything, our two day talk have already become uncertain now.

it was last wednesday when we first talked, and it was epic I admit. then it even got better when thursday happened. you even called me up, and I was high--intensely high because of you.

but unfortunately, friday came and then all of a sudden, everything changed.

you knew, but you did not even believe me when I confessed. you told me it was alright and that nothing will change between us. you even asked me not to change.

but why do I feel this way?? I do regret having done that. if I could just bring back yesterday.

I told you that I wouldn't be expecting anything in return. but hey, where did all your sweetness go?

what happened? :(



oh dear crushie,

are we just friends or is there more???? 



oh hello, you're online.

you're online, but I don't think I can talk to you. I've been waiting for days but now, I can't even say hello. am I being stupid or not? GAHHHHH. I do want to talk to you, but I can't. can't you just pm me or something? hihi. LANDI! :))

of sun and summer!

got to spend the holy week in Sofitel. the good with this hotel is its location; very near Manila Bay! you'll definitely enjoy the scenery that the hotel has to offer! 

some of the pictures I took: 

work in China...Bank! HAHA.

The things that I look forward to working in Chinabank are:

wearing a corporate attire. by the way, have you seen my ID? 

and of course, my merienda: FISHBALLS. Manong fishball did not come this afternoon, and I'm so disappointed. :| 

but, still looking forward to working in new accounts and marketing department tomorrow. :)


waiting in vain.

I had to offline because I needed to manage the network connections at home and the Sun broadband I'm using at my dorm. I accidentally merged them so it took me so long to fix them. 

after 20 mins, I decided to online again! I saw his status update in facebook and the messages of my sisters in skype! HE WAS ONLINE FEW MINUTES BEFORE I ONLINED!!!!! OMG! :( but for the nth time, I did not catch him again. :| :( 
walang kwenta naman yang status mo. HUHU! :(


PAASA KA! I SWEAR! huhuhuhu! I'm bitter again! Yes, I am!!!! :| 

I don't want to wait for you anymore. 

KUYA JESS! help meeeeee, please? 



Porque by Maldita. 

Why did I have to choose you?
Now my heart is suffering

summer schedule.

April 20: last work day before Holy Week.
April 21: Visita Iglesia
April 22-24: Sofitel
April 25-29: work, work, work. :| :(
April 30: last Saturday before trip. (MUST PACK.)
May 1: flight to Norway
May 1-8: Oslo, Norway
Mayww 8-12: Rome and Florence, Italy
May 12-16: Venice and Milan, Italy
May 16-19: Lucerne, Switzerland
May 19-25: Oslo, Norway
May 25: flight back to Manila
May 26: HELLO MANILA. :)
May 27-29: Female Days (Erika Tumbaga's batch); Batch 85 Anniv. :)
May 30-June 12: blah, don't knowhat to do yet. HAHA.
June 13: 4th yr, 1st sem starts! GAHHHH, I'm too old. :| :))

too hectic?? nahhh. HAHA.


irritated. :|



Go Greek.

I've been wanting to try Go Greek whenever we visit Glorietta. Their food are superb, I must say. A little bit costly though. 

Ate gyros platter, around P 195.00 (but failed to take a picture of it, probably I was so hungry at that time. HAHA.)

You should also try their Moussaka (Greek baked mac). Here's the picture. 

If I may rate Go Greek, I'll give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. 

CHOS. teehee. :))

Royal Norwegian Embassy.

went to the Norwegian Embassy in Makati again a while ago to pick-up our passports with schengen visa. 


12 days and I'm gone. HAHA.


of streetlights!

on my way home from the Script concert, I enjoyed the lights around me so I took a lot of pictures (take note, self photos I must say.) HAHA. please excuse my face. :))

The Script Live in Manila!

watched The Script last night in Araneta Coliseum with Grace, Luigi, Jo, and Bilton. we got Upper A tickets only, but our seats were pretty much worth it. 

here are some of the pictures of the show. (sorry for the poor res of the photos :|)

with my friends! 

SUPERB SHOW! Thank you The Script! 

"How can I move on, when am I still in love with you?"


bought this Maybelline Magnum Mascara a few months back

loving the effect and volume it gives to my lashes!  

this is well recommended, I must say


schengen visa.

finally, got an email from the Norwegian Embassy that my schengen visa has been approved this morning! I was so worried because my mom's friend got her visa after seven working days! actually, today is the 7th day so luckily, we (together with my mom) were given our visas! 

here's their email! 

since my sister-in-law Ate Lenna is the second vice consul of the Philippine Embassy in Norway, it was very easy to apply. the usual 14 days processing became 7 days! thank you so much Ate Lenna! see you and Kuya Marlon on May 1! :)


have you seen my playlist???? TADA! HAHA. 

sorry for the cheesy, mushy love songs! I'm just this HAPPY now because of my HAPPY crush! hihi! :)


oh hello!

HELLO THERE! haha. thank you mommy for the photo! sorry, I had to edit it. hihi! 



no rice diet.

ever since I started my OJT in Chinabank, I was forced to eat rice again. :| :(( after months of my no rice regimen, I ate rice! :| :(( good thing that this week, I decided to say bye bye to rice. HAHAHA! :)) 

my lunch a while ago! 
chicken strips

 and cheese bread from Bread Talk! 

since my break is very long (an hour, HAHA) and there was an awesome lighting in the dining room in the office, I had to take pictures! SORRY FOR MY FACE! :))

magic eight ball!

Whenever there is an idle time in the office (which is by the way, most of the time HAHA), I would pick up my itouch and randomly choose apps to use. I would often open that similar to magic eight ball! HAHA. 

A while ago, I asked if my happy crush would also have a crush on me! and this is the answer: 
STUPID BALL! :)) kidding! :)) I'm not relying on it though (both the question I asked and the answer I got). I will already be satisfied if we become friends! HAHA! 

CHOS! :))


nth day of OJT.

As a requirement for ME majors in Ateneo, I had to finish 200 hours of internship. I chose Chinabank, Navotas Branch because it is near my house. Even though I still need 2 days worth of work to accomplish (due to the two day Holy Week  holiday) to finish my required hours, I can still go back after our Europe trip in May. 

In addition, I can wear less corporate clothes! 

And I can trace the accounts of companies, individuals, and my mother's enemies! (kidding!) HAHA. 

And I get to have a work table! :)

2++ weeks and I'm done! YIPEEE! :)

credit, credit, credit!

got my credit card a while ago! just in time for our Europe trip in May! 

i wanted it different color though! (ARTE, haha!) 
notice the name? HAHA. J Patricia (for shizzle!) :))
thanks Dad! :)


countdown to May!

in barely 3 weeks, I will be seeing my brother and sister-in-law in Oslo, Norway! 

will be visiting these as well: 
Rome, Italy

Florence, Italy

 Milan, Italy

Venice, Italy

Luzern, Switzerland

what is an awesome vacation?? :)

oh boy!

hihihi! you probably know him if you're from DWTL-DLSU! :)

of old and new blogs

made a new blog. TADA! HAHAHAHA

i had a blogspot account before, way way back! evidence:
ewwwwwwww for my posts before. :)) 

if you want to visit my old blog (but i hope you wouldn't bother): joannapatriciasison.blogspot.com