
Grad Photo Pictorial.

toga photo. 

casual photo.

finally, hihi. guess who's graduating this 2012??? :) 

all my hard work will already be payed off. my parents' as well. 

thank you to everyone because here I am now. I am really really grateful for all of you. 




I promise and I swear that I'll try my very best to eat healthy and exercise to reduce my weight. and to slim down my FAT LEGS. :| 

by the end of the year, I will drop 10-20 lbs. I PROMISE. 

woot woot, let's go MOTIVATION. :)



too bad, it's the last Harry Potter movie. :( will be missing it definitely. :( 

watched at Newport. 520Php for lazy boy seats and unlimited food. <3

 while waiting for the 11:15 movie. 

 yey, mirror shots. :))

 lazy boy seats. <3

ate at Johnny Chow after. OMG, just knew your family is the part-owner of this. :( BOO.

 look at their fascinating chairs. :))

 forgive us for our Harry Potter hangover. :)) 

had Seafood noodles. 

had so much fun. :) see you guys this weekend. LUFF YOU. :*


grad photo casual poses.

In about three weeks, I will have my graduation photo pictorial already. until now, I'm not decided on what to wear for the casual photo part. and significantly, I don't know what my poses should be. Believe it or not, 20 shots are needed. so, can these poses already suffice?? 

GAAAAAHHH, still need to think of 11 poses still. :| wish me luck, okay? :)

round two?

I just realized something. 

what is happening now seems like happened before. de ja vu, I must say. It was four years ago--I was a senior in my high school then, that I liked a guy. I didn't know why (well actually, whenever I liked a certain person, I cannot distinguish what trait of him I wanted), but moving on. This guy that I liked before, he admittedly told me that he didn't want me. FACE-to-FACE. whenever I would text him, he will not reply. whenever he would text, I would gladly text him back. There was even an incident that he told me we will watch a movie, then I ended up watching alone. what a jerk right? But after a few months, things went well--we ended up together. That relationship lasted a year. I loved him so much that it wasn't easy to move on. He was my first serious boyfriend. But that was the past. 

And now after two years, here I am again--liking a guy who I believe does not like me at all. The cycle similar to my past bf was the same. I would text, he wouldn't reply. He would text, and I can't resist not to reply. Here I am again, hoping for him. I would see him once a month, and that's it, nothing more. He would always tease me, but I didn't care. For me, his actions meant a lot to me. Probably, I was the only one giving meaning to them. I expected he would somehow feel the same way for me.

I am confused--wanting to ask him what is it with us. Realizing what happened in the past, made me once again expecting that he would like me eventually, like my past bf did. Instead of giving up, more and more I wanted to push myself in his life. So am I actually doing the right thing? 

Is it another round of this like-hate-then-love relationship? well, I do hope so, but minus the breaking up part.